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In-Person Registration:

This is Recommended for New Students




On-Line Registration:


For returning families, please click on the following registration, adult or children, to be taken to their websites.






To inquire about joining us mid-semester, please use the Contact Us form to schedule an appointment with the assistant director.




If registering September 1st, 2024 or later:

Children, $375* per year
Adults, $425* per year

**A discount of $25 is offered to adults when they have a child enrolled.**

Payment can be made via Paypal on our website by clicking here or by clicking the 'Click here to Pay Tuition' button below. If paying with Paypal please consider paying with "Friends and Family" to help keep tuition costs low.

If paying by check please make checks payable to: Deutsche Schule - German School Milwaukee.


General Info:

    Classes are held on Saturday mornings 8:15 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.


Classes run from September through May.




Oklahoma Ave. Lutheran Church

5335 W. Oklahoma Avenue

Milwaukee, WI 53219


(The entrance is in the back, from the parking lot. We have no affiliation with the church.)


Click here to Pay Tuition



Our class levels: 

We will be holding in-person classes unless guidance from the CDC.  


Children ages 3-5:  Instructed by Frau Tina Stueve, Assistant Director/ German Pre-School a. Kindergarten Teacher

Note: Children must be potty-trained.

Each week will consist of direct and interactive instruction, singing German songs, reading stories, and learning through play.  Each week we will introduce an exciting new theme.  Students will complete worksheets, and art projects, and view videos that reinforce the week's theme. 


Children ages 5-7:  Instructed by Frau Annaliese Mills, Director/German Exploratory Теаcher

At this age, children are generally beginning to read and write English and have varied exposure to German. They learn language quickly through songs, games, and stories. Classes will include a story, learning vocabulary, and a game or activity. At the end of this class, the children will have learned vocabulary and phrases related to various topics, including Alphabet, Numbers, Colors, Shapes, School, Family, House, Clothing, Body, Opposites, Animals, Food, Weather, and Culture.  


Children ages 7-10:  Instructed by Herr Robert Mc Mullen, German I & II Teacher

Level 1 and 2 Students will participate in textbook activities and practice reading and conversation. The emphasis will be on simple German language and basic conversation topics such as clothing, time, colours, musicians, weather, seasons, days, European authors and more. Special topics may include table etiquette lessons as done in the German speaking lands, writing simple cards or letters, reading elementary German books, doing short reports, and learning songs and poetry.


Children ages 10-13:  Instructed by Frau Cornelia Ille-Hoekstra, Assistant Director/German III Teacher

Advanced students who have passed our 2nd level, students from the German Immersion School or those who have had German Language training from other sources. Students will share their daily "Tagebuch" or Journal, review homework and have a reading or grammar lesson. We will have Special Projects such as creating a German Menu, Family Genealogy, Staatswappen Project (Picking a state in Germany and reporting on it), and writing your own German Fairy Tale. Lessons may also include recognizing German holidays, historical events or online videos.


Children ages 13+:  Instructed by Frau Sonja Rode, M.Ed., â€‹German IV Teacher

This course is designed for advanced students who have passed our 3rd level, students from the German Immersion School, or those who have had German Language training from other sources.  We will integrate all four language domains of reading, listening, speaking and writing for a balanced learning experience.  As we do this, students will continue to progress in their German language learning journey via typical/popular German foods, stories, news, songs, hands-on projects and stories of all genres (short stories, mysteries, magazine and news articles, etc.); anything and everything to make language learning fun!


Adult Beginning Level:  Instructed by Frau Heidi Laurila, German I Adult Teacher

The perfect place to start for those interested in making their world more interesting. This level introduces common words and phrases, explores German culture and landscape and starts to put together sentence structure. 


Adult Intermediate Level:  Instructed by Herr Alex Ille-Hoekstra, German II Adult Teacher

The learning targets include: learning phrases, vocabulary, verb conjugations, sentence structuring, easy reading for practice and being able to hold a simple, yet meaningful conversation. This instructor also focuses on cultural studies and is very open to student requests. Herr Alex strives to connect with his students and works with the pace of the class. He expects students to work toward the class goals, to participate and to communicate any difficulties they may be having.


Adult Advanced Level: Instructed by Herr Eric Bartolotti, German III Adult Teacher

Students will review basic grammar structures such as nouns, adjectives, verb conjugations, prepositions, etc. and learn about more complex structures such as past tense forms and subordinate clauses. Overall emphasis will be on conversational German and each week students will have opportunities to practice speaking the language. Occasional sessions will be combined with other classes for special lessons or feature presentations by guest speakers.

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